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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Yippee!! The wait is over! It's here, it's here!!!!

YAY! Finally, the wait is over! Got my new SU Fall-Winter Collection catalogs today!!! Gotta thank my sister, Monique for calling me this afternoon from work to tell me that she got her catalogs! She said, "Come over and get one now!" Well, wasn't that easy to drop what I was doing at work to run and get my catalog (although the thought did cross my mind), but I waited til I was done with work and stopped by on my way to the bus stop. I drooled over the catalog for the entire bus ride. My son caught the bus home with me today (his first bus ride and he was so excited!) and all the way home with me oohing and aahhing, he was rolling his eyes at me and I could hear the thoughts in his head going "oh brother!" He knows that I was waiting like forever for this new catalog...and I had to remind him without my getting excited about these products, we wouldn't have gone on that cruise!!
When I got home my catalogs are were waiting for me!! YIPEE! YAY! Check out the pics that my son took as I squealed with delight!


Little C's Creations said...

hahahahaha...... how fun!!!! Can't wait!!! Am I like the only fricken girl in the whole entire SU! Nation that doesn't have her catalogs?!?!?! hahahhahaha... love seeing the excitement on your face. Can't wait for mines!!! YAY!!!!


Jus' Mo again... said...

You are more than welcome sister! Glad you got to get the peeks on the bus ride home!!!
