Hi There! This blog will no longer have any new post or activities. Please click here to go to my NEW blog, as I've depleted all the memory on this one. I hope to see you there! I will, however, continue to keep this blog up, as there are tons of ideas and tutorials that you may want to search through. When you are done searching here, please head on over to my new blog and visit me there. Aloha, Teri

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I'm not usually late

What happened???! Oh boy! I thought I was keeping track of my hits and I swear I had more time. I passed the 2500 mark that I did say I was going to celebrate with more goodies. Okay, I'm almost done with the prize!! Will post the prizes tonight as well as whatcha need to win it! Yay! I'm off to work now (I do have a day job that does not involve crafts - boo!) Have a terrific Tuesday!


Little C's Creations said...

have you notice that nobody has told you to take your time?! hurry up!! hahaha, I'm sure we all wanna see what goodie your going to give away this time....can't wait!!!! are you done yet?! hahahha....


P.S.>>>> Take your time!!!

Anonymous said...

your busy, hectic, never boring moment life...cannot help but sometimes, time just passes you by. you are so dedicated to what you do that somethings do slip through the cracks...hey, everyone is allowed a little "oops" now and then. Don't worry...I don't think anybody would mind! I just love to read the updated blogs.

Anonymous said...

your busy, hectic, never boring moment life...cannot help but sometimes, time just passes you by. you are so dedicated to what you do that somethings do slip through the cracks...hey, everyone is allowed a little "oops" now and then. Don't worry...I don't think anybody would mind! I just love to read the updated blogs.

Anonymous said...

your busy, hectic, never boring moment life...cannot help but sometimes, time just passes you by. you are so dedicated to what you do that somethings do slip through the cracks...hey, everyone is allowed a little "oops" now and then. Don't worry...I don't think anybody would mind! I just love to read the updated blogs.

Anonymous said...

sorry I clicked the tab too many times!

Stephanie Mosher said...

Congrats on 2500! I am brand new and I think the majority of the visitors are me looking at it trying to figure out what I am going to post next. LOL

Enjoy life and doen't sweat the small stuff :O)

Anonymous said...

woohoo! thanks so much! I just got my tin! we love it! my little guy loves the dog :) thanks again for all you do!