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Friday, August 31, 2007

Darcie's Halloween RAK

Got this cute Halloween RAK from my friend, Darcie. I love Halloween! This cute set is called Batty for You and I can think of a bunch of things to do with it!! Thanks, Darcie!
It's a long weekend everyone! Enjoy!


Jean said...

Cute card, buy why is it so shiny? Did Darcie laminate it? I wouldn't put that past her, lol.

Little C's Creations said...

Very Cool!!!! I want this set too. hahaha


Corie said...

This is so cute. Love the way she tied the ribbon.

Anonymous said...

Love the cute stamps...I'm not a halloween person, but I do like to give away goodies and stuff. My friend just bought me the haunting halloween...I think I'll make something with it.