Hi There! This blog will no longer have any new post or activities. Please click here to go to my NEW blog, as I've depleted all the memory on this one. I hope to see you there! I will, however, continue to keep this blog up, as there are tons of ideas and tutorials that you may want to search through. When you are done searching here, please head on over to my new blog and visit me there. Aloha, Teri

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

LCWC #8 - stay tuned! I'm late!!!!

I'm late for this important date!! So sorry everyone, but although I finished my challenge this week, I didn't have time to upload the picture!! I will tonight. Thank you for your patience. Life has been extremely busy and I've had to do a whole bunch of altering in my life.

Anyway, here is the sketch we are following this week and it's time for Halloween!! See you soon!

Be sure to check out the other Design Divas and what they created from this awesome sketch!


Denise said...

Glad to see you back, hope you are feeling much better, and Grandpa is too!

Risa said...

Okie dokie....I'll check back later:)