Hi There! This blog will no longer have any new post or activities. Please click here to go to my NEW blog, as I've depleted all the memory on this one. I hope to see you there! I will, however, continue to keep this blog up, as there are tons of ideas and tutorials that you may want to search through. When you are done searching here, please head on over to my new blog and visit me there. Aloha, Teri

Thursday, June 28, 2007

RAK from Jen!

Who doesn't like receiving something fun? I LOVE to receive special handmade cards and gifts! Looky what I got today! A special RAK from my sister Jen! The colors are so pretty and I just love those bees! This card is cool because it opens up like this:

This kind of started out because I keep seeing RAKs received by other bloggettes and I keep thinking to myself, "I gotta join one of those groups so I can get some awesome RAK's too." So...I have this conversation with Jen and she has her thinking cap on and ta-da! a monthly RAK club! If you haven't joined a group that randomly selects a person for you to send a special RAK but always wanted to, then you just gotta check out our monthly aloha RAK club...Jen and I thought that it would be cool to start our own RAK group, why not?? You can check out all of the details on Jen's blog. C'mon, join the group, it'll be fun! You're gonna love it!
By the way sister, THANKS for my RAK, I just luv it!!

1 comment:

Little C's Creations said...

awwww.... you're so very welcome!!! Thank you for mines!!!!
