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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More cards to share!

Wow! look what I received in the mail! I got a beautiful birthday card from Corie. Love the bees! Thank you Corie!! That was so sweet of you to send me this card!
Also received these beauties from my DL gals...here's a card I received from Joyce. I love the Groovy Guava color and the hodge podge! Thanks Joyce!
And here is a card I received from Monique. The card was made by Jodie, Mo's blog partner in crime. Thanks Mo & Jo!! Love the card.

Thanks ladies for the fabulous cards and for the wishes for my 39th birthday!! (wink, wink!)


Anonymous said...

What awesome cards you get! Is it part of the RAK or just for your birthday? How creative people are...it just amazes me at what we all can come up with! too good!

Mrs. Nancy G said...

You are blessed! Look at all these wonderful cards!