Hi There! This blog will no longer have any new post or activities. Please click here to go to my NEW blog, as I've depleted all the memory on this one. I hope to see you there! I will, however, continue to keep this blog up, as there are tons of ideas and tutorials that you may want to search through. When you are done searching here, please head on over to my new blog and visit me there. Aloha, Teri

Friday, March 13, 2009

Reminder: March - One Card Swap

Just a reminder if you signed up to play in March's one card swap, the swaps should be sent out by March 20th. If you are having trouble getting it out on time, don't forget to send an email to your partner. If you cannot fulfill your obligation, please let me know so that I can send out a card for you!

1 comment:

Gina Wrona said...

Aloha Teri!

I never got a partner for the swap, but then again I've been MIA with everything going on.

Love your new blog look.
